Is Your Surveillance Actually Contributing to Your Business?

Supply chain visibility is crucial, but traditional surveillance methods fall short, adding to costs without addressing accountability or errors. Integrating AI with high-definition cameras optimizes surveillance networks, enhancing operational visibility and efficiency. Smart surveillance, leveraging AI and computer vision, detects anomalies and prevents errors without relying on manpower-intensive monitoring, ensuring complete coverage and accountability within operations for sustained productivity and growth.


Smart surveillance, utilizing AI and ML, revolutionizes traditional video surveillance by autonomously detecting and analyzing activities in real time. Incorporating advanced technologies like computer vision and facial recognition, it enhances security in various sectors. As costs decrease and technology advances, smart surveillance is poised for wider adoption globally.

Importance In the Supply Chain Industry

Smart surveillance enhances supply chain operations by monitoring goods movement, warehouse activities, and transportation. It ensures timely delivery, detects issues like incorrect storage or damage, and improves security. By increasing efficiency and reducing costs, smart surveillance ensures customers receive high-quality products on time.

Potential Threats Due To lack of Surveillance

Operational visibility prevents pilferage and sale loss, necessitating proactive surveillance for error detection and optimization in supply chains.

Threat 1: Employee Productivity:
Over-reliance on manual processes introduced inefficiencies and increased the risk of errors due to the absence of automation, hindering productivity and scalability.

Threat 2: Lack of Accountability
Operational visibility fosters accountability, reducing manual errors by promoting responsibility and discouraging harmful behaviors overlooked in manual surveillance.

Threat 3: Long footage filling up storage
Traditional surveillance systems generate long footage requiring manual sorting, adding to manpower costs and compromising visibility due to extensive recordings.

Threat 4: Disaster Prevention and Management
Facilities are prone to disasters that are caused due to human negligence and accident-prone actions. Monitoring such behaviour is close to impossible through a stack of long footage and thus the chances of disaster prevention through manual surveillance is a false hope

Manual Surveillance Vs Smart Surveillance

Manual surveillance in supply chains drains valuable manpower and limits live video utilization. Smart Surveillance, powered by AI, autonomously monitors and analyzes footage, alerting management to anomalies and creating structured databases. This saves costs and enables proactive prevention. Industrialists must adopt smart surveillance to leverage their surveillance network effectively and achieve complete visibility in business operations.

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