AI Visualisation for Real-Time Operational Accuracy

Isourse Technologies optimizes business processes for e-commerce and supply chain players, bridging the present and future with 23+ years of expertise. Using AI visualizations and predictive blockchain models, we enhance operational visibility, reducing human dependency and improving accuracy. Our solution aided a logistics client in overcoming warehouse QC discrepancies through real-time visual data capture.

Concept Of AI Visual Capturing

AI visualizations are ubiquitous across industries, offering data, object, and facial recognition for enhanced operational visibility. Utilizing computer vision, systems recognize visuals for task-specific processes. In supply chain, AI reduces dependency by identifying humans via live cameras. Our model enables real-time tracking of productivity and error-free operations.

Challenges Faced

Our client faced unaccountability in the Quality Check phase of the inbound process, and they wanted to keep a real-time track of all the inventories passing through QC. They wanted to have a live video feed of every inventory going through QC and wanted to identify the doing the process.

Challenge 1: No Quality Check Database
In warehouses heavily reliant on barcode scanning, the quality check process lacks accuracy and comprehensive reporting. Our AI visualizations seamlessly integrate with existing tech solutions, providing detailed insights into inventory undergoing quality checks. The system auto-attaches videos of each inventory item in the process, along with unique identifiers, and captures employee data via camera checks for a comprehensive database.

Challenge 2: Employee Productivity Capturing
In warehouses, manual tracking of employee productivity poses significant challenges. Using cameras, our system generates integrated productivity reports. Through AI face recognition, the system identifies employees and tracks the number of inventories they handle daily. These auto-generated reports aid management in monitoring productivity, facilitating the identification of underperforming employees.

Challenge 3: Human Accountability
Visual representation is essential for instilling accountability among employees. Our system automatically records video feeds of employees during the QC process, associating them with unique details like employee ID and name. Each inventory item is linked to a unique barcode, with IoT technology ensuring real-time tracking and quality assessment, minimizing errors.

Challenge 4: Poor Inventory Management
AI visualisation aids in addressing the issue of unaccounted inventories in warehouses. By capturing the Unique Serial Numbers (USNs) of goods passing through the QC table, our system ensures accurate inventory counts, reducing gaps for pilferage and enhancing overall inventory management.


After implementing our AI Visualisation model, our client achieved real-time inventory tracking, improved employee accountability, and enhanced productivity. The QC process was accelerated, leading to overall facility productivity gains. Real-time visual data unveiled previously unnoticed errors, enabling fine-tuning of operations. Visual analysis heralds a future of enhanced visibility and effortless micromanagement in smart industries.

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