Automation is cost cutting by tightening the corners not by cutting them. Following this saying of Mr. Haresh Sippy we are primed up to automate every corner of the industry. Recently, Isourse has taken up a new project from Xpressbees to plan their upcoming warehouses. We are setting up 800 KVA UPS power backup system in a 1,50,000 Sqft warehouse.
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We have created an energy efficient plan which will ensure unceasing power supply and due to this the productivity of the facility will increase undoubtedly. As of now we are executing this plan in 5 warehouses pan India. Our plan can change the course of automation industry; not only this but the work flow will become uninterrupted and fast paced.
Isourse is capable of creating such plans that are focused more on increasing the productivity and eliminating all the elements that can hinder the workflow. Moreover, automation is only beneficial when it is uninterrupted. People say that technology is limited to electricity but nowadays electricity is unlimited due to technology.
Previously, various warehouses used generators but somehow they did stop the flow of electricity for at least 1 min but with UPS technology there will be no shortage or disturbance in the work flow. We all know, time is the most precious thing in every business and to utilize every nanosecond, we have to figure out faster and uninterrupted technology.
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Isourse has figured out such technology and has been helping various businesses in adapting that technology. Just like Xpressbees we transform many other businesses and help them to achieve growth with our innovative and end-to-end tech solutions. We not only plan but we take care of execution as well. For this project, we are grateful to our partner Schneider Electrical who helped us with the needed apparatus, i.e., the UPS.
We handover your facility with fully equipped and working energy plans. Also, we can utilize the space of the facility and plan a warehouse like nobody else. We believe our customers should receive the finest services and we work towards perfecting every part of our utilities.
If you want to avail our specialized services, kindly contact us at,
1800-309-5321 (Toll Free)