ONDC: The Swadeshi Movement 2.0 for the Indian E-com Players

Monday, 01 August 2022


The open network of digital commerce (ONDC) is a brand new initiative by the ‘Department For The Promotion Of Industry And Internal Trade’. India is giving birth to a revolutionary concept for the whole E-commerce industry. 

The Indian e-commerce industry has been dominated by many foreign e-com giants and since long they have established a monopoly over the whole industry. This has deprived all the small and medium-scale retailers of our own country and has obliterated any of their chances of building a world-dominating e-com empire.

The Indian government has sensed the monopoly of foreign e-com players and created the concept of ONDC. The open network of digital commerce is an open platform constructed upon the base architecture of UPI. This open platform revolutionizes the whole digital commerce industry by creating a uniform way of commerce within the country.

How does ONDC function?

The revolutionary platform is an open protocol that will create an integrated & open network of all the e-com sectors including, Retail, Hotel, Restaurants, and Last-mile delivery. The open platform will start by integrating many e-commerce platforms that will result in a strong,inter-connected, and democratic commerce network.

After integration, when a customer enters the name of the product on any e-com platform, s/he will get an unbiased and full comparison list with all the e-com vendors selling the same product. 

For eg, if a consumer wants to buy a notebook; s/he will go to Amazon, Flipkart, or any other e-com platform to search the same. Earlier Amazon used to provide a list of only those vendors who are associated with Amazon. But now, no matter whether the consumer goes to Flipkart or amazon, s/he will get a full list of vendors integrated on the ONDC platform.

Now, the small and medium vendors won’t have to integrate with the giant e-com players to reach the end consumers. They will now be able to reach their target market individually with this initiative started with a non-profit cause.

Why Is It The Swadeshi Movement 2.0?

The swadeshi movement symbolizes the initiative of prioritizing Indian products over foreign goods. Similarly, many foreign industry giants are monopolizing over Indian digital commerce market and our country’s hard-earned money is ultimately adding up to the income of foreign countries.

With the introduction of ONDC, the Indian e-com player will now have the chance to compete indifferently with the foreign giants. This integration will not only disrupt the monopoly of these foreign industrialists but will also uplift the small & medium scale retailers of our country.

Previously, the small retailers had to integrate with pre-established e-com giants like Amazon, Flipkart, eBay, etc. Integrating with the large enterprises; the small retailers had to give away 20-30% of their profit from the sale and this is the reason why Indian retailers are not able to contribute to the country’s income.

Not only ONDC will benefit the retailers of India but also it will provide option to the Indian customers so they can choose the retailers from other e-com platforms. Unlike, the e-commerce giants, the ratings and product placements will be free from any biasness and it will solely depend on real-time product ratings regulated by the uniform platform.

This will uplift the Indian retailers and will ultimately help both the industrial and financial growth of the country. With the help of ONDC’s uniform integrations, the Indian e-commerce industry will flourish in no time and will create new and better opportunities for all the future industrialists out there.

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