
Here the thoughts are put into words; read on to connect with our stand on various possibilities

AI Face Recognition: Enter Your Facility In A Smart Way

Isourse is introducing the brand new dynamic AI face recognition access control device. Biometrics attendance is pretty common in every industry and as the world is moving towards tech and automation; the way of entering a facility should also smarten. With the AI-enabled dynamic face recognition access control, you can achieve touchless access control in a facility with all the HRMS features.

We have successfully built a device that can eliminate all the basic deficiencies of an average biometric device with added features. Our unique access control integrates with the HRMS system to create an efficient employee management sys..

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SaaS: The Future Of Software Licensing

The wave of industrial automation is devouring all kinds of industries and it has given birth to a new kind software licensing, i.e., SaaS. What is SaaS?, well it  basically means Software as a Service and this is the modern way of licensing a software. Various corporates are preferring software as a services because of its numerous benefits. Lets discuss this model in brief.

SaaS is a software distribution model which enables the service provider to distribute a particular software over the internet. After that the customer can use that software on the cloud by connecting to the internet. Unlike other Continue Reading

Isourse Sets Up 800 KVA UPS Energy Plan To Automate Xpressbees Warehouse

Automation is cost cutting by tightening the corners not by cutting them. Following this saying of Mr. Haresh Sippy we are primed up to automate every corner of the industry. Recently, Isourse has taken up a new project from Xpressbees to plan their upcoming warehouses. We are setting up 800 KVA UPS power backup system in a 1,50,000 Sqft warehouse.

Also read: TMS: Get More Efficiency And Visibility Of Your Freight


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HRMS: Manage Employees In A Blink

Isourse presents the most effortless way to manage the most important assets of the company: the human resource. Employees are paramount to any business and managing them can be a strenuous task. Isourse eases this task by providing its HRMS software to various organizations. Human Resource Management System is a software included in our ERP - Isoping software built by our company, to know more about the business benefits of Isoping, kindly go through Business Benefits of Isoping: Less Hassle More Productivity.

HRMS is a software that..

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