HRMS: A Solution That Efficiently Manages Your Blue-Collar Workforce

The Indian economy has always been dominated by the primary sector, but the blue-collar sector has spread across every sector of the economy. The blue-collar workforce of India comprises [approx.] 500 million people out of 1.41 billion, the total population of India [as of December 06, 2022]. This data clearly shows that the Indian workforce is hugely dominated by Blue-collar workers.

With the adoption of concepts like hyperlocal, quick-commerce, and dark stores, the need and number of blue-collar employees have risen tremendously. Large, medium and small enterprises have always faced difficulties in managing such diversified groups of employees, scattered all around the world.

Isourse has been able to craft an AI-driven blockchain model solution that streamlines and automates the long-standing issue of managing thousands of employees on a 24-hour scale in two days.

One of our esteemed clients from the logistics sector was facing difficulties in managing 15 thousand employees manually and capturing attendance on a 24-hour scale. With a successful implementation of an intelligent HRMS, they have concurred that battle.

Author : Isourse
Date : 14 Dec 2022 17:29:13:063
Location : New Delhi

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