Is Your Surveillance Actually Contributing to Your Business?

Surveillance is a vast term with implementation across every industry and in the supply chain domain it plays a vital role in instigating complete operational visibility. However, many industrialists believe surveillance is only limited to placing security cameras all over the facility. They opt to hire manpower to just sit and monitor all the footage to ensure zero pilferage, operational accountability, and proactive event or disaster prevention.

Lack of surveillance is a pressing issue in the supply chain industry, and it can directly impact the productivity of the business. Capturing long video footage of every corner of the facility won’t ensure complete visibility; it will only add up to the CapEx & OpEx.

Smart surveillance is the way to optimize visibility within the operations as it leverages the potential of Artificial Intelligence with Computer Vision. This prevents the need for manpower for monitoring as AI can organize all the footage and detect anomalies in human behaviour for proactive prevention.

Many industrialists implement a well-planned surveillance network in their facilities but fail to utilize those cameras. The plan may provide complete coverage of every nook and corner of the facility, but it would still lack intelligent footage capturing.

Lack of surveillance can hinder the accountability part within the operations. As manual operation can never be error-free, we can’t fully ignore minor errors in the workforce. Business owners need to monitor minor operations to eradicate all manual errors. This solution is only possible with smart surveillance as minor monitoring is not possible on a human level until and unless the cameras have the intelligence to know when to start recording and when to stop.

Author : Isourse
Date : 01 Jun 2023 15:51:34:307
Location : New Delhi

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