Case Study

Maximise business potential by harnessing the power of Process Transformation

In today's dynamic business landscape, the supply chain industry faces numerous challenges and complexities. The ever-increasing customer expectations, globalization, technological advancements, and market uncertainties require supply chain professionals to continually seek innovative solutions to stay competitive. One such solution that has gained significant attention and proven to be transformative is Business Process Re-engineering (BPR).

In this case study, we delve into the pivotal role of Business Process Transformation in the supply chain industry. We explore the successful ...

Is Your Surveillance Actually Contributing to Your Business?

Surveillance is a vast term with implementation across every industry and in the supply chain domain it plays a vital role in instigating complete operational visibility. However, many industrialists believe surveillance is only limited to placing security cameras all over the facility. They opt to hire manpower to just sit and monitor all the footage to ensure zero pilferage, operational accountability, and proactive event or disaster prevention.

Lack of surveillance is a pressing issue in the supply chain industry, and it can directly impact the productivity ...

Legacy Brands: Surviving the Threat of Strategic Dissonance

Legacy Brands has been following the traditional supply chain for decades, with manufacturers producing goods which are sold through a long network of distributors, dealers, and retailers. With the transformations of commerce on a technological level; the consumer behaviour is also changing every day. Nowadays consumer wants every product on their doorstep and that too without a delay.

Modern marketplaces allow many manufacturers to reach their customer base locally, but this can dilute the brand existence on a threatening scale. Marketplaces prov...

A Sustainable Team Unlocks the Path to A Sustainable Future

The Indian corporate culture has come a long way with state-of-art workspaces and when it comes to team building, many corporates have been focussing only on productivity levels and ignoring team wellbeing and work life balance. The concept of skilled team is only limited to completion of work within a set time frame.

Isourse as a people-friendly brand aims to build a nourishing environment for the whole society by building a financially sustainable workplace. With a dedicated team unitedly working towards a single goal to achieve personal and organisational growth; Isourse has buil...

AI Visualisation for Real-Time Operational Accuracy

AI Visualisation is believed to be an integral part of the industry 4.0 paradigm. Industry 4.0 harmonises the relationship between the virtual and the physical world through Artificial Intelligence. Every industry is moving towards the future by implementing AI in their day-to- day operations.

In the supply chain domain, human dependency is extremely high and as per western standards of Industry 4.0, we can never totally omit this dependency. So, the persistent issue of accuracy, reliability and accountability greatly affects the whole business.

One of our clients f...

HRMS: A Solution That Efficiently Manages Your Blue-Collar Workforce

The Indian economy has always been dominated by the primary sector, but the blue-collar sector has spread across every sector of the economy. The blue-collar workforce of India comprises [approx.] 500 million people out of 1.41 billion, the total population of India [as of December 06, 2022]. This data clearly shows that the Indian workforce is hugely dominated by Blue-collar workers.

With the adoption of concepts like hyperlocal, quick-commerce, and dark stores, the need and number of blue-collar employees have risen tremendously. Large, medium and small enterprises have always fac...